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Membership in SEAALL is open to any persons or institutions residing in the Southeastern region of the United States interested in law libraries and desiring to promote the goals of the association.

What is SEAALL?

  • An active professional organization composed of court, law firm, corporate, and academic law librarians and others interested in law librarianship.
  • An association of individuals committed to providing legal information services.
  • A group of over 500 individuals from eleven Southeastern states and Puerto Rico (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington D.C. and West Virginia).
  • An official chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries.

Benefits of Membership?

  • Interaction among those interested in quality law library services.
  • Subscription to Southeastern Law Librarian and a directory to promote networking with other members.
  • Opportunities to develop leadership skills.
  • Workshops, educational institutes, and annual meetings.
  • Knowledge of library developments in the region and on the national level.
  • Individual voting rights and full participation in the governance of the Chapter.

Goals of the Association

  • Promote law librarianship.
  • Develop and increase the usefulness of law libraries, particularly those in the Southeastern area of the United States.
  • Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and a discussion of issues affecting library libraries.
  • Support both formal and informal networks of law librarians and libraries.
  • Hold a Spring Annual Meeting to address issues affecting the Chapter and to address topics of interest for the librarians in the Chapter.
  • Conduct educational institutes yearly to inform the membership of recent developments in law librarianship.
  • Provide an opportunity to exchange ideas and expertise in matters such as cataloging, information access, administration and reference services.
  • Publish the Southeastern Law Librarian, a quarterly newsletter devoted to the discussion of chapter news and topics affecting law libraries.
  • Award Lucile Elliott Scholarships each year to assist members with costs associated with the attendance at professional meetings.
  • Operates a placement service.
  • Preserve archival and historical materials about the profession of law librarianship.
  • Develops and train leaders in the profession of law librarianship.
  • Function through active committees.

You may join SEAALL by choosing an option below. If you are a member of an institution, be sure to speak with your bundle administrator when joining. Membership renewals are processed and invoiced on July 1st and unpaid memberships are removed from the rolls after a 60 day grace period. Membership dues are generally not pro-rated for partial years. Please contact the SEAALL Treasurer with questions about payment of dues or the webmaster with questions about the online registration.

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