Committees 2024-2025
Sarah Mauldin
Digital Repository
University of Kentucky College of Law Library
Articles & Bylaws - Reviews and revises Chapter articles of incorporation as directed by the Executive Committee.
Donna Nixon, Chair (2025)
Beau Steenken (2026)
Brian Barnes (2027)
Community Service - Identifies, promotes, and implements nonpolitical volunteer and community service activities. (2-year term)
Marin Dell, Chair (2025)
Trina Holloway (2026)
Allison Rosenberg (2026)
Kerri-Ann Rowe (2025)
Samantha Thorne (2025)
Diversity & Inclusion - Identifies issues related to maximizing the diversity of SEAALL membership and promotes awareness for diversity-related activities. (2-year term)
Cynthia Barnes, Chair (2025)
Christie Lowry (2026)
Devan Orr (2025)
Wickliffe Shreve (2026)
Education & Publications - Responsible for the development of publications for the benefit of the Chapter's members; also, responsible for developing SEAALL program proposals for the AALL annual meeting. (2-year term)
Michelle Rodenburg, Chair (2025)
Stephanie Miller (2026)
Aimee Pittman (2026)
Itunu Sofidya (2026)
Deborah Turkewitz (2026)
Julie Wooldridge (2025)
Finance Committee
CJ Pipins, Chair (2025)
TJ Striepe (2025)
Michelle Cosby (2025)
Government Relations - Monitors legislative, regulatory and judicial developments that affect SEAALL, the practice of law librarianship or the creation and dissemination of information for the states in the southeast region of the U.S. This committee keeps the membership informed by print and electronic means. (2-year term)
Janet Nicholson, Chair (2025)
Patty Alvayay (2026)
Rebekah Maxwell (2026)
Handbook Editor
Joyce Janto (eff. 7/1/2023)
Local Arrangements - TBD
Membership - Promotes chapter membership and vitality within the region, maintains and distributes a biannual membership directory and coordinates activities for new members, retiring members and the organization. (2-year term)
Ryan Valentin, Chair (2025)
Joanna Averch (2026)
Lauren Diaz (2026)
Melanie Solon (2025)
Newsletter & Public Relations - Responsible for the publication of the Southeastern Law Librarian four times a year. (2-year term)
Zanada Joyner, Chair (2026)
Jennifer Dubetz (2025)
Ashley Evans (2025)
Mariangeli Lugo (2026)
Aimee Pittman (2025) (ex officio)
Lorel Reinstrom (2025)
Nominations - Prepares the annual slate of candidates for chapter offices.
Andrew Christensen, Chair (2025)
Amy Taylor (2025)
Andrew Wisniewsky (2025)
Placement - Communicates the availability of new positions in the southeast; also, responds to potential employers with information about SEAALL members who are interested in new employment opportunities. (2-year term)
Dylan Dunn, Chair (2025)
Tina Brooks (2026)
Program - Plans and implements the educational program for the chapter's annual meeting.
Brian Barnes, Chair (2025)
Ellie Campbell (2025)
Ford Miller (2025)
Julie Jones, ALLA Liaison (2025)
Kris Niedringhaus (2025)
Kayla Reed (2025)
Laura Scott (2025)
Sansanee Sermprungsuk, AALL Liaison (2025)
Scholarship - Publicizes, manages and awards the annual Lucile Elliott scholarships. (2-year term)
Joy Whitfield, Chair (2025)
Ted Bruns (2026)
Lisa Dallessandro (2026)
Angela Reaux (2025)
Nick Stump (2026)
Service to SEAALL - Charged with receiving nominations, selecting candidates and giving an award to the chapter member who has made special, significant and sustained contributions to the Chapter. The committee is composed of the Immediate Past President and the two immediately previous award winners. Candidate must have: given special service to the chapter; a sustained record of service to the chapter; been a chapter member for at least five years. Current and immediate past officers are not eligible.
Richelle Reid, Co-chair (2025)
Donna Nixon, Co-chair (2025)
Ismael Gullon (2025)
Caroline Osborne (2026)
Service to SEAALL: Past Recipients
Website Coordinator
Kat Klepfer
Registered Agent
Registered Agent Solutions, Inc.,
317 Ruth Vista Road
Lexington, SC 29073.