- This
Handbook is intended to provide SEAALL officers, committee chairs, and
members an overview of the Chapter's operations. The Handbook should
assist members assuming leadership positions to commence their work with
information regarding the functions, duties, and responsibilities of
each position as well as the practices of prior officers and committee
chairs. The Handbook will also help to clarify instances of overlapping
and intersecting responsibility, and to provide an idea of how the work
one does may affect or be affected by the work of others.
- The
Handbook is not intended to create unbending rules of procedure or to
stifle creativity. Hopefully, the Handbook will provide an outline of
past practices to serve as a starting point. The vitality of any
organization requires initiative and imagination.
- Handbook Editor
General Chapter Information
Chapter Year
- The chapter membership year is July 1 - June 30.
Corporate and Financial Information
- SEAALL is a section 501(c)(6) non-profit trade association under federal income tax laws.
- The Chapter is incorporated in the state of South Carolina.
- The Chapter's Employer Identification Number is: 58-1592266.
- The Chapter's fiscal year ends March 31.
Corporate Reports
- A report is required annually by the Florida Secretary of State.
- The report is prepared by the Chapter's Registered Agent and sent to the Treasurer.
- The
Treasurer pays the corporation filing fee as required by the state of
Florida and mails the report, providing a copy of the signed report to
the Registered Agent.
Income Tax Reports
- The
chapter is incorporated as a non-profit corporation and is not required
to file a federal or state income tax return unless gross receipts
exceed $25,000 per year.
Chapter Web Page
- Chapter web page is hosted at https://seaall.wildapricot.org/.
Chapter Twitter
Chapter Listserv
Chapter Records
- After
assuming office, each new officer and committee chair shall receive 3
years of relevant documents such as meeting minutes, budgets and annual
reports from their predecessor. Outgoing officers and committee chairs
shall send documents older than 3 years to Archives.